Home2022January20Welrod by AppleField (りんご畑) Welrod by AppleField (りんご畑) 2022-01-202022-01-24 By AppleField9400+500 yenCommissioned 2021-09-03 "Lying down like in this pose" (https://twitter.com/oyariashito/status/1046964365625315328 by Oyari Ashito) "Wearing her uniform but without the cape and hat, and no socks or shoes" "Shirt halfway open like in the pic" "I like this bit" (https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/91285321 by 雪村うさぎ) "Blushing and slightly embarrassed like in this pic" "tHiS expreSSioN" "kinda bratty" "emBArrAsSeD (a bit)" (https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90979457 by にくとごはん)